Montgomery County Pennsylvania’s planning commission is considering a transportation program that could cost $150 million. The Commission recently met to discuss a county program that could involve local governments and the private sector paying for an improvement program for local roadways and bridges. The Commissioners stated that there have been repeated complaints from residents and businesses about traffic congestion.

According to reports, Commissioners appear to be committed to some type of program and are considering a few options. The most popular option includes a 10-year program that would involve over 70 projects. This option would require voter approval to borrow $150 million. One project example cited was widening Route 309 in Montgomery Township to six lanes between Upper State and North Wales roads along with adding turn lanes and reconfiguring accesses to businesses.

The planning board members said they hope to finalize a recommendation at the November 12, 2008 meeting and submit a proposal to Commissioners by the end of the month.