
PennDOT has shown signs that it is pursuing property acquisitions for Route 422 projects in Berks and Montgomery Counties (PA). PennDOT published a notice on September 3, 2011 in The Pottstown Mercury newspaper that it intends to acquire property in Lower Pottsgrove (PA) Township for that portion of its 422 reconstruction project. Property owners are

New York’s highest court ruled on Tuesday that private property could be condemned for the “Atlantic Yards” project. That project involves, among other things, an NBA arena and 16 office and residential towers in Brooklyn. The properties were purportedly condemned to eliminate “blight.”
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An appeal recently filed with the U.S. Supreme Court asks the Court to revisit its controversial decision in Kelo v. City of New London. In Goldstein, et al., v. Pataki, et al., property owners are challenging a project in Brooklyn known as the Atlantic Yards Arena and Redevelopment Project.  The properties were condemned for