Two D.C. Council committees advanced legislation allowing for the use of eminent domain in the construction of a $300 million professional soccer stadium in Washington, D.C. The bill will now go before the full council for a vote on Tuesday. While the legislation allows for eminent domain to be used to acquire the land, Mayor-elect
PA Commonwealth Court Affirms Strict Necessity Requirement for Private Roads
PA Commonwealth Court recently found that a property owner was not entitled to a private road across a neighboring property since it appeared that the property owner was entitled to an easement by necessity across another property.
In In Re: Laying Out and Opening of: Private Road in Hazle Township, owners of a landlocked property…
PennDOT Moving Forward With 422 Project In Berks And Montco (PA)
PennDOT has shown signs that it is pursuing property acquisitions for Route 422 projects in Berks and Montgomery Counties (PA). PennDOT published a notice on September 3, 2011 in The Pottstown Mercury newspaper that it intends to acquire property in Lower Pottsgrove (PA) Township for that portion of its 422 reconstruction project. Property owners are…
FAA Approves Philadelphia Airport Expansion Plan
After over a decade of planning, a $5.2 billion expansion of Philadelphia International Airport was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. The project will require a significant amount of land acquisition in Philadelphia and Delaware County.
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Commonwealth Court Permits PennDOT Condemnation of Agricultural Lands
The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court recently ruled that PennDOT met its burden on a project in Lebanon Coundty enabling it to condemn agricultural lands.
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$1.6 Million Verdict
I just completed a 2 week trial in Burlington County, New Jersey in which the jury awarded my client – the property owner – $1,607,000. The NJDOT’s last offer was $194,000.
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PA and N.J. Awarded $115 Million in Federal Housing Funds
Pennsylvania will receive $68.8 million and New Jersey will get $46.8 million in federal stimulus funds for housing redevelopment projects. These projects will include acquiring blighted properties. It is virtually certain that many will be acquired through the power of eminent domain.
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New York’s Highest Court Upholds Atlantic Yards Condemnations
New York’s highest court ruled on Tuesday that private property could be condemned for the “Atlantic Yards” project. That project involves, among other things, an NBA arena and 16 office and residential towers in Brooklyn. The properties were purportedly condemned to eliminate “blight.”…
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Battle Over Nets Arena Site Continues
The Battle over the taking of property for, among other things, an NBA arena and 16 office and residential towers in has moved to New York’s highest Court and will be argued in Albany on October 14.
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Senate To Consider Allowing Eminent Domain For “Green” Transmission Projects
Senate To Consider Allowing Eminent Domain For “Green” Transmission Projects…
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